By akademiotoelektronik, 12/10/2022

Android 11 on the Freebox Pop, it is possible, but Free has other priorities at the moment

The latest version of Google's OS for AndroidTV devices is being deployed, and if it could happen on the latest Freebox, developers focus on other important points.

You will have to be patient.The Freebox Pop could be upgraded to go to Android 11 recently launched by the Mountain View firm, but this is not the priority of the moment.

If, during an interview as part of the launch of the latest baby from Free, one of the developers said that the Androidtv interface present would be led to change "since Android will evolve soon".As a reminder, it is currently running on Android 9, which dates from 2018 on devices dedicated to TV.

For Free, Android TV is above all a support, but the true force of the Freebox Pop is its intelligent TV interface Oqee.Questioned by Univers Freebox, a developer confirmed to us that it was on this one that the dedicated teams concentrated."We are mainly on the stabilization of Oqee," he says, but not only, since Free Ligue 1 also awaits some improvements.The current priority for the 100% football service is "the integration of late providers", which will allow better zooms on actions to better follow the ball when viewing extracts on the screen split on smartphone.

Android 11 sur la Freebox Pop, c’est possible, mais Free a d’autres priorités pour le moment

In short, Android 11 on pop could happen but it is not for immediately.For free improve its services and correct existing hiccups prevails over this evolution towards a bone that wants to be more efficient, with new features and with less latency.
