By akademiotoelektronik, 25/10/2022

Legault emergencies |The press

This is another irony of history.

Publié le 20 oct. 2021

In 2018, the unions warned of FrançoisLegault, who said they were danger for the Quebec model.The Caquist chief no longer proposed eliminating 20,000 positions in the public service, as in 2014.But he nevertheless wanted to reduce the size of the state, and the unions were suspicious of it.

According to Alexandre Taillefer, president of the Liberal campaign,M.Legault was a "libertarian" who threatened "social peace".Nothing less.

Finally,M.Legault will pass the rest of his mandate trying to repair this model in crisis, especially in health, education and early childhood.Its "change sites" aim more to preserve the mission than to modify its nature.His big challenge: hire.

The Coalition Avenir Québec thus reveals its true face.Over time, it becomes a governance party.M.Legault is not an ideologist.He remains a manager.He sees problems and is looking for solutions.

What changes, exactly?

The opening speech was chick in detail.

How will we decentralize the health network, reduce the role of private investment agencies, reform home care, to raise the graduation rate of students at 90 % or to hire more people under construction, in technologies ofInformation and engineering?And what is the specific plan to create a "global pole" of electric vehicle batteries?Or to automate companies and make them more productive?

We are still looking.

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That said, an opening speech remains a statement of principles and intentions.

The exercise is first of all communication, and the CAQ needed to change the message.Because even if she dominates in the polls, she is a little annoyed.

Les urgences deLegault | La Presse

She boasts of having managed the pandemic well, but she wants to show that Quebec gets out of the crisis.

She also welcomes herself that she has carried out most of her promises, but that means that she must find new projects for the electoral campaign.

Hence this speech, which offered him a beautiful free forum.

Jean Charest had resorted to this strategy in February 2011.He had announced the return of the Vouvoyer to school, as well as the arrival of intensive English and "interactive white paintings". Un menu nettement plus mince que celui deM.Legault.

Minoritaire, PaulineMarois n’avait pas eu le temps de prononcer un tel discours.Philippe Couillard happened.With hindsight, it would have allowed him to correct the shot when he imposed painful compressions even if the income was higher than expected.

M.Legault a lui aussi raté une belle occasion d’ajuster son discours face à deux crises, en logement et en environnement.

The Prime Minister works on an economic level to develop green energies, but he had to say about other ecological issues such as the protection of biodiversity and the territory.Admittedly, the announcement of the end of the oil and gas adventure will mark the spirits.Mais dans les faits, les projets n’étaient plus rentables.Their death became inevitable.

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Preuve de sa popularité,M.Legault n’a pas profité du discours inaugural pour larguer des projets de loi controversés ou pour faire un remaniement.His team remains surprisingly stable.In addition to health, justice and the Treasury Board, the main ministries have not changed their manager since 2018.

The Prime Minister, however, has taken bad habits.He got used to governing under the state of emergency.Mardi, il a d’ailleurs prolongé une fois de plus cette procédure exceptionnelle.We will have to wait for the vaccination of 5 to 11 years before ending.So probably in January.

It is long, very long ... This status makes it possible to grant contracts without tenders.Their total value is counted in billions, and the absence of competition had to swell the costs.The general auditor will be interested in it, and she risks finding horror stories.

This urgency also served to circumvent the collective agreements of health employees to impose schedules.We can no longer use this process while claiming to improve working conditions to retain and attract staff.

These short -term solutions are likely to worsen long -term problems.It is urgent to get out of this emergency.

* * *

This return to normal will give a little visibility to the opposition.She needs it.Liberals, solidarity and Pouts are all at their support floor in the polls.

La pandémie a aidéM.Legault à occuper toute la scène et à marginaliser ses adversaires.

His capital of sympathy will help him start difficult battles, as with the omnipractians.His mandate had started with a disappointing agreement with specialist doctors - he did not recover the billion dollars promised.He promises to be firmer with family physicians, threatening to impose the penalties of Gaétan Barrette law - they have never been applied.However, the number of Quebecers without a family doctor has almost doubled since 2018.

The other fall battle will be with Ottawa, to obtain more health money and immigration powers.

Ce sera très difficile… Justin Trudeau n’a pas oublié l’appui deM.Legault aux conservateurs.He will not be in a hurry to help him in the final stretch before the Quebec election campaign of 2022.

The Caquist government will nevertheless have more means than expected, thanks to a slight budgetary upturn.

J’ai écrit queM.Legault devra sauver le modèle québécois.It would be fairer to say that it must attack the demographic shock that specialists have seen coming for 20 years, without its predecessors having acted.

Les prochaines semaines permettront de connaître plus précisément en quoi consistent les « chantiers » deM.Legault.Their effect will take time to be felt.

In his speech, he talked about projects for the "next years".In other words: it was a taste of his electoral platform.
