By akademiotoelektronik, 31/08/2022

Can conspiracy influencers destabilize the presidential election?

Reading time: 5 min

Antoine* is certain: the government's health policy, an inclusive health, would only be used to install "a digital global dictatorship where artificial intelligence would dominate the human".The young man is a regular at the Telegram channel the great awakening, which has more than 100.000 subscribers.The ten posts published every day via this encrypted messaging each generate several hundred reactions.

On December 17, one of the administrators shared a regional press article relating to the sudden death of an 8-year-old child following heart discomfort, and immediately made the link with the COVVI-19."Perhaps he was one of those children at risk for whom vaccination has been open since December 15.Perhaps it is also because of the prolonged port of the mask...Maybe not."The reactions were not long in coming:" poor kid, that's it starts "," what horror ", or even" kill his parents' assholes ".

"These networks are very hard to moderate," comments Julien Giry, political scientist and researcher at the University of Tours within the Vijie program (verification of information in journalism, Internet and public space).Because of this lack of moderation, speech is extremis more and more.»»»»»»»»

Digital raids

On the side of traditional social networks like Facebook and Instagram, things are different.According to Tristan Mendès France, specialist in digital cultures and online extremism, "over the past few years, major social platforms have focused on health disinformation and have" displeased ", that is to say banished, numberconspiracy accounts "»»»».

Several followers of these spheres then switched to alternative platforms like Telegram. «La fréquence de publication y est très élevée, les échanges créent une plus forte sensation communautaire»»»»»»»», analyse Tristan Mendès France.On his Instagram account, the big alarm clock thus regularly redirects his subscribers on the encrypted messaging service, presented as the "only free and not censored alternative to social networks"»»»».

Les influenceurs complotistes peuvent-ils déstabiliser l'élection présidentielle?

The conspiracy videographer Silvano Trotta is also at the head of an influential telegram channel followed by nearly 130.000 people. Il y diffuse plusieurs dizaines de messages par jour, relayant des théories douteuses liées au Covid-19 mais aussi des thèses conspirationnistes plus larges sur, par exemple, l'existence d'un «État profond»»»»»»»» –de l'expression américaine «Deep State»»»»»»»», désignant une célèbre théorie conspirationniste selon laquelle, au sein d'un État, une hiérarchie parallèle ou une entité informelle détiendrait secrètement le vrai pouvoir.

In the comments, the participants approve of these messages in."If you make the effort to join these channels, it is because you are already well advanced in radicalization. Il y a une démarche proactive»»»»»»»», estime Julien Giry.The political scientist distinguishes two types of audiences conducive to joining these groups.First, those already familiar with conspiracy theories.For them, the COVVI-19 would be only additional evidence of the domination of the world elites. De l'autre côté, on trouve des personnes pour qui la pandémie a été une «porte d'entrée»»»»»»»» vers ces idées et qui se coupent peu à peu des médias traditionnels.


In 2020, conspiracy gathered their parents

Au-delà du fait qu'ils diffusent ce qu'ils considèrent comme de «vraies informations»»»»»»»», ces groupes sur Telegram sont également à l'origine de raids numériques. «Les sondages en ligne sur les sites des médias traditionnels sont particulièrement visés»»»»»»»», explique Thomas Huchon, journaliste d'investigation spécialisé dans les théories complotistes.Other modes of action are also acclaimed by these spheres.

In mid-December, when the Valenciennes hospital had published on its Facebook page a message to inform the opening of the vaccination at 5-11 years, specifying that Santa Claus would be present, the Grand Awakening teams calledTheir subscribers to "flood the filthy publication of the Valenciennes collabois hospital"»»»».The publication accumulates almost 5 today.000 commentaires haineux: «C'est à vomir»»»»»»»», ou encore, «les collabos finissent toujours par payer la note, vivement que l'on vous rase en place publique»»»»»»»».

"Do you like Philippe de Villiers?"»»»»»»»

La rhétorique relative à la Seconde Guerre mondiale et aux «collaborateurs»»»»»»»» est particulièrement utilisée dans l'ensemble des groupes Telegram étudiés.Anti -Semitic and homophobic remarks are also common currency.For his part, Mickaël Vendetta had declared on his dedicated telegram channel, since deleted: "Many Zionists in the key posts in France, and homosexuals [...] If you are Zionist or Homo, you are more likely to succeed in key positions [...] Know it, the real sectarians are the Zionists and the homosexuals.»»»»The whole thing, approved by the comments of many fans.Recently, the former reality TV star returned to Instagram. Dans une story sous forme de sondage, l'ex-vedette demandait à ses abonnés s'ils «aimaient bien Philippe de Villiers»»»»»»»» ou encore s'ils trouvaient qu'Éric Zemmour avait été «diabolisé à tort par les médias»»»»»»»».

Also, on his telegram channel, Silvano Trotta regularly launches debates on the next presidential election, encouraging his supporters to go to the polls, but without giving for the time of instruction to vote."Traditionally, conspirators are abstainers and refuse that the elections are used for something," analyzes Thomas Huchon.But one wonders how these voters will react when candidates use their arguments.Whoever can do it best could win the elections ... "»»»»

Antoine, faithful of the Grand Réveil canal, has his idea on the question."Voting as it is organized is a slavery tool.The dice are piped, you will have a second round which will oppose Valérie Pécresse and Éric Zemmour, then Valérie Pécresse will be elected.Jacques Attali has already decided everything.»»»»»»»»

If some participants approve and confide not to vote, others have already made their choice.The names of Florian Philippot, François Asselineau but also from Eric Zemmour come back in a loop. De là à peser considérablement dans les urnes? Rudy Reichstadt, fondateur de l'Observatoire du conspirationnisme et des théories du complot, affirme que «tout cela a un impact»»»»»»»», sans être certain, loin s'en faut, d'une «influence significative sur le scrutin»»»»»»»».


«Un château de cartes qui s'écroule»»»»»»»»: ils sont sortis de l'engrenage complotiste

The director of the Conspiracy Watch site wonders more about the consequences of the election: "My big question would be whether we will see in France a reissue of what happened during the election ofJoe Biden, that is to say a fraction of public opinion convinced that the election was stolen, that there have been fraud.Clearly, a questioning of the legitimacy of the winner.»»»»»»»»

Pour apporter une réponse à ces problématiques, Emmanuel Macron a annoncé, en septembre dernier, la création d'une commission chargée d'établir un rapport sur l'éducation, la régulation, la lutte contre les «diffuseurs de haine»»»»»»»» et la désinformation.Led by the sociologist Gérald Bronner, the working group has fourteen experts in its ranks, including Rudy Reichstadt. «Nous avons abordé au sein de la commission les plateformes, dont Telegram, dans toutes leurs dimensions»»»»»»»», confie-t-il.Julien Giry believes that he has the impression "that there is above all a lot of political communication around this commission"»»»»»»».

For Thomas Huchon, an axis would be preferred: "The platforms say that they are only pipes, but they are full media.They must therefore be obliged to accept their responsibilities, and to better regulate what they disseminate.»»»»»»»»The conclusions of the Bronner Commission should be rendered at the beginning of January.*The first name has been changed.
