By akademiotoelektronik, 22/02/2022

How to lecture robots? -

Autonomous vehicles, virtual assistants and other artificial intelligence systems are designed to make decisions on their own. As they are called to occupy a growing place in our lives, we must ask ourselves according to which moral principles we want to program them, which raises new questions.

What is an artificial moral agent? Are there good and bad robots? And if it is true that machines reflect the values ​​of those who design them, how can we avoid reproducing certain biases and prejudices?

These questions are at the heart of the book Doing Morals to Robots: An Introduction to the Ethics of Algorithms by Martin Gibert, a philosopher specializing in moral psychology and a researcher in the ethics of artificial intelligence at the University of Montreal. He gave some keys to thinking about how to program robots during a conference organized by the AlgoraLab and the International Observatory on the societal impacts of artificial intelligence and digital technology.
