By akademiotoelektronik, 08/09/2022

Meta, the Facebook parent company, has built the fastest IA supermarket in the world.

Meta (formerly Facebook) is the last company to have built an AI supercomputer.The Meta AI Research SUPERCLUSTER has been designed to train automatic learning systems and the company claims that it will be the fastest supermarket in the world when it is finished, later in 2022.The new supermarket was announced by the CEO of Meta, Mark Zuckerberg, who said that he would be completed during the year."Meta has developed what we think is the fastest IA supermarket in the world.We call him RSC or Ai Research SUPERCLUER and it will be finished later this year, "said Mr..Zuckerberg in a press release.

This supermarket reflects significant investments that large technological companies devote to research on AI.Other technological companies such as Microsoft and Nvidia have also announced their own "AI superordinators".According to some reports, the latter are slightly different from normal supervisors.Meta's artificial intelligence research superclusive will be used to form a series of systems in company companies.These include algorithms on content moderation to detect hate speech and explicit content on Facebook and Instagram, and even RA programs that will be available in Meta RA gadgets in the future.

ALSO Read: Meta will educate people about data confidentiality thanks to its new privacy center.

Meta, la société mère de Facebook, a construit le superordinateur d’IA le plus rapide au monde.

As can be expected, the CSR will be used to design objects or execute programs for the metaverse.In a blog post, Meta engineers, Kevin Lee and Shubho Sangupta, explain that the SRC will help build the company's models of the company that can learn from "trillions of examples and work in hundreds ofdifferent languages ".It will also make it possible to analyze the texts, images and videos, to develop new reality tools, and much more.»»

Meta started working on the AI Research SUPERCLUSTER about a year and a half ago, the engineers of the company designing the components of the machine for cooling, supply, networking and wiring, entirely fromzero.

AI superordinators are different from normal computers in the sense that automatic learning requires less precision than the type of tasks treated by traditional supervisors. Les « superordinateurs d’IA»» peuvent donc effectuer plus de calculs par seconde que leurs homologues ordinaires utilisant le même matériel.This essentially means that the Meta Ai Reasearch SuperCluster is not a direct competitor of superordinators such as the Summit 500 or Fugaku, which is currently the fastest supermarket in the world.While the performances of a traditional supercomputer are measured in operations in floating comma per second (flop) of 64 bits, those of an AI supercomputer are often measured in flop of 32 or 16 bits.

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