By akademiotoelektronik, 02/07/2022

United Kingdom: Death of a three-day baby, the mother had contracted the COVVI-19

Par Eléna Pougin
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Coolio Carl Justin Morgan, âgé de tout juste trois jours, est décédé au Pays de Galles le 5 mai dernier. Il serait à ce jour la plus jeune victime du nouveau coronavirus.

Le 5 mai dernier, un bébé de trois jours est mort au Pays de Galles alors que sa mère avait contracté le Covid-19 avant l'accouchement. Né avec un rythme cardiaque lent, le nouveau-né est décédé après avoir été transféré dans un hôpital de la ville de Swansea, rapporte le Guardian.Royaume-Uni : mort d'un bébé de trois jours, la mère avait contracté le Covid-19 Royaume-Uni : mort d'un bébé de trois jours, la mère avait contracté le Covid-19

The covid-19 in question?

Doctors have indicated that the first cause of his death would be an ischemic hypoxic encephalopathy, a serious cerebral lesion which prevents the good circulation of oxygen and blood to the brain.However, the coronavirus contracted by his mother would have had his share of responsibility in the death and was retained as a secondary cause.

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Royaume-Uni : mort d'un bébé de trois jours, la mère avait contracté le Covid-19

His father, Carl, spoke to the BBC about the loss of his child: "I saw him for the first time on the last day of his life. In his mother's belly, the day before, hekept kicking. I can't believe it could happen. It's more than cruel. "

His death recalls that of a six-week infant in the United States, who died after being tested positive for the COVID-19.

Some babies could be sensitive to coronavirus

As Marian Knight explains, professor at the University of Oxford at the Guardian, some newborns whose mothers were affected by the new coronavirus died shortly after childbirth.For the moment, it is difficult for her to know if these babies have really died because of the COVID-19."It is possible that some infants are carrying the new coronavirus, either by transmission when they are still in their mother's belly, or because it is infected when it gives birth," she analyzes.

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However, whether they can carry the virus or not -it is the case of children -"a very small number of newborns has so far been sensitive to the virus", recalls Marian Knight.Often, the babies in question had other symptoms, as for Coolio Carl Justin Morgan, these having certainly aggravated their situation.

The 49-year-old dad says he was warned by the medical team that he "could not touch his son or see him, since he would probably be infected with the COVVI-19".For her part, Kimberly, his mother, was able to say goodbye to the baby once completely returned to the new coronavirus from which she suffered.An investigation was opened, but no post-mortem exam was conducted on the newborn.

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