By akademiotoelektronik, 21/05/2022

"Women, Ministers, and Feminists": Elisabeth Moreno and Agnès Pannier-Runacher join forces for gender equality

"Cet ouvrage est né d'une discussion que nous avons eu avec Elisabeth Moreno, d'un défi que nous nous sommes lancées pour porter la cause de la parité femmes-hommes dans toutes les strates de la société", explique Agnès Pannier-Runacher, la ministre déléguée auprès du ministre de l'Economie, des Finances et de la Relance, chargée de l'Industrie. On Thursday, 13 January, she will publish the book Women, Ministers and Feminists-Our Struggle for Real Equality, published by Editions Point d 'Orgue, together with the Prime Minister's Ministerial Representative for Equality, Diversity and Equal Opportunities.

In an exchange with the press on Wednesday 12 January the two ministers presented 20 new proposals on gender equality *. The latter involves different axes, namely, strengthening the legal, legal and cultural framework for equality, protecting women from violence and improving their access to health care, accelerating economic and professional equality, and finally strengthening France's feminist diplomacy. Agn è s Pannier-Runacher stressed: "We are working hard to ensure that some of these suggestions can be prioritized by most of us." We must bring grain to discussion and debate. " For Elizabeth Moreno, it is a question of not undermining the momentum achieved over the five-year period. "We started far away and there is still a lot to be done," the minister said, recalling that the problem affected 52 percent of France's population.

Lire aussiElisabeth Moreno, l'atout diversité du président

"Le féminisme est une conquête permanente"

Cet ouvrage, Elisabeth Moreno le présente comme "nécessaire". Il est d'ailleurs préfacé par Zarifa Ghafari, une des seules femmes maires, élue à 26 ans en Afghanistan qui a fui son pays pour se réfugier en Allemagne. She recalled how she went through "this struggle for equality". And calls for: "I hope all the French people know how lucky they are to be able to discuss these issues in public." Female leadership, quotas, role models, # MeToo, prostitution, and even inclusive writing. . . Then came a conspiracy dialogue between the two ministers, both happy to define themselves as feminists. "However, I think it is important to have a definition of pedagogy and feminism," Elisabeth Moreno said. This is a movement aimed at making equality between men and women a reality and reality. This is a struggle against sexism, which is the morbid state of our society. This is a question of giving women free choice under any circumstances. Therefore, feminism is a struggle for freedom and equality. Feminism is a permanent conquest. " Everyone mentioned their feminist awareness and the specific obstacles they may encounter in their careers. Agn è s Pannier-Runacher, for example, recalls her appointment as a minister. "I especially remember having dinner with women from different backgrounds, from fishing to professional sports, from women's homes to health care, to pure activism. Despite their different career paths, they all point out ruthlessly that we are lagging behind in equality. Their words unexpectedly shaped my thoughts. "

It is time to take concrete action to achieve substantive equality, starting with reducing persistent inequalities in businesses. In that regard, Elisabeth Moreno referred to the ambitions set for himself by the Rixain-Castaner Act, which introduced quotas in corporate governance bodies. She also mentioned another issue she was concerned about, namely, helping women over the age of 50 to integrate into the labour market. "Let's not add age inequality to gender inequality," she said. In addition, this is also a problem when we pay attention to the opportunities for girls to receive science training. Agn è s Pannier-Runacher said: "We have to focus on this issue from the beginning of primary school, and we have to make these technical and scientific occupations more specific by letting students visit factories from the beginning of primary school."

"We started far away."

< img src= "https: // "Alt=" Women, ministers and feminists: Elisabeth Moreno and Agn è s Pannier-Runacher work together for equality between men and women "Title =" Women, Ministers and Feminists ": Elisabeth Moreno and Agn è s Pannier-Runacher work together for equality between men and women ">

Behind this heated discussion, Elizabeth Moreno and Agnes Pannier-Runah used the opportunity to assess the great cause of a five-year term ahead of the presidential election. "Depuis 2017, la Grande cause du quinquennat du président de la République a mobilisé l’ensemble du Gouvernement, qui a agi sur tous les fronts de l’égalité", se félicite ainsi Elisabeth Moreno qui cite les actions entreprises pendant cinq ans, précisant que le budget de son ministère a quasiment doublé depuis 2017. "This is a historic increase," she said. Agn è s Pannier-Runacher has the same record. "Je crois que nous pouvons être fiers de ce bilan", estime-t-elle, citant par exemple l'index de l'égalité professionnelle mis en place par Muriel Pénicaud quand elle était ministre du Travail.

The two ministers believe that while much has been done during those five years, we must not let our guard down. "We have to continue this fight, equality is not taken for granted, this is an uphill fight to emerge in the world," said Elizabeth Moreno. Nous partons de très loin, il y a encore beaucoup de choses à faire et énormément de sujets à couvrir pour atteindre un jour cette égalité concrète". And send a message to the girls: "Fight for the life you dream of. You sometimes fall, you may be disappointed, you will definitely make mistakes, but you will learn something and you will definitely live, "said Elizabeth Moreno. Agn è s Pannier-Runacher offered the following advice to the young lady: "Don't hesitate to seek advice or help, and don't be afraid to get out of your family circle. Many more people are willing to help than we thought. " Elizabeth Moreno concludes: "We will inspire other countries not only to give women in our country the status they deserve, but everyone will benefit from it."

* The 20 recommendations are as follows:

01. Establish in the Organic Law the principle of non-retrogression of women's rights and the "golden rule" of equality between men and women

02. Make equality the highest priority of national education, including promoting girls' access to science and technology choices

03. Renforcer la place et la visibilité des femmes dans l’espace public, médiatique et culturel

04. Strengthen the protection of women with disabilities from violence

05. Open medicine and medical research, and truly consider the physiological characteristics of women

06. Promote equal participation of girls, young women and women in sports

07. Zero tolerance in combating harassment and gender discrimination in the public domain, and eliminating anonymity of online harassers

08. Take concrete actions for women's occupations and improve their working conditions

09. Strengthen the content and scope of occupational equality index, and make the minimum, maximum and median wages of positions recruited and promoted by enterprises transparent

10. Adapt women's working methods to the post-Covid world

11. Prioritize the continued employment or re-employment of women over 45 years old

12. Establish a "respite right" for female heads of single-parent families

13. Establish "women entrepreneurs' homes" in each region

14. Strengthen the mixed standards of investor and private bank decision-making

15. Preventing and Eliminating Gender Bias in Artificial Intelligence

16. Améliorer la représentation des femmes dans les chambres de commerce, les ordres professionnels, les fédérations, les branches et les organisations syndicales

17. Lever la solidarité fiscale pour les conjointes en instance de séparation et ex conjointes d’hommes maltraitants

18. Enlarge the Radiation and Influence of French Feminist Diplomacy

19. Impose exemplary obligations on candidates for local and national elections to reject gender-based and sexual violence

20. Psychological counseling for women victims of violence
