By akademiotoelektronik, 14/05/2022

These cows huddled around a tanker speak volumes about the severity of the drought hitting Australia

AUSTRALIA - Europe isn't the only one choking. At the antipodes, a drought of rare violence burned Australian crops, decimated herds and plunged farmers into serious financial difficulties.

Australia has long been accustomed to high temperatures and its inhabitants have developed remarkable capacities for resilience. But the episodes of drought currently experiencing certain regions of the east of the island-continent are the worst in half a century.

The few rains that fell at the start of the week did little to lessen the consequences of the very high temperatures, which reduced areas of crops and pastures to dust. Without fodder, herders are forced to buy grain or bring in hay from other parts of the country to feed the animals, spending thousands of Australian dollars more each week.

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Ces vaches agglutinées autour d'un camion-citerne en disent long sur la violence de la sécheresse frappant l'Australie

Farmers are also forced to ration water for their families and their herds because their wells are almost dry. A pastoralist in the New South Wales region has shared an uplifting video, shot by drone, of her herd rushing to her tanker truck which was dispensing water, as you can see below.
