By akademiotoelektronik, 07/02/2023

UFOs: all CIA declassified documents are there

In 2020, the number of UFO reports has literally exploded in several parts of the world.The theme is playing with a new series whose broadcast has just been launched on Canal+.The perfect time for The Black Vault site to finally broadcast more than 2.700 documents declassified by the CIA.

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Are the extraterrestrials (already) among us?Some people ask the question.And perhaps they will find answers in the documents declassified by the CIA and now freely available for download.Thanks to the relentlessness, patience and work of John Greenewald JR., the ufologist who feeds The Black Vault site, so more than 2.700 new pages that become available.And which are added to the more than 2.2 million documents already grouped on the site.

These pages relate dozens of incidents.A mysterious "something" concerning an UFO-as an unidentified flying object-handed over to the assistant assistant assistant director and technology in the 1970s in the 1970s.A Bosnian refugee who tells a third type meeting.Or mysterious explosions in the middle of the night in a small Russian town.Everything is there.At least that's what the CIA claims.

Still future revelations?

John Greenewald Jr.also promises to continue his work by asking that the too many blackened parts are clarified which remain on many of these documents.Especially since the interest in the question seems recently revived.After the recent declassification of videos dating from 2004 and 2015 (see below).But also after an increase in observations reported in the United States.

All a few weeks before a new obligation made to officials of the American Department of Defense and the intelligence agencies.The Congress asked them, at the end of December 2020, to submit a report on everything they know about unidentified aerospace phenomena (PAN), among which, those we call UFOs.

Pour en savoir plus

The Pentagon makes eight meetings of meetings with "unexplained air phenomena"

Within the framework of the American law on freedom of information, the U.S.Navy was forced to make eight incident reports between its pilots and unidentified air phenomena.No flying saucer, but for one of the best -monitored air spaces in the world, the existence of these unidentified aerial recurring phenomena is a major concern.

Article by Rémy Decourt published on 05/18/2020

Unidentified air phenomena captured by American fighter aircraft drivers in 2004 and 2015.© Dod, U.S.Navy

In the United States, the law on information, dating from 1966, obliges federal agencies and the armed forces to declassify and transmit their documents to any American citizen who requests it.This freedom is however restricted by various criteria, including the endangering of national security, to prevent the publication of these documents.In fact, obtaining sensitive documents, requires a lot of patience as the request is similar to a long -term course and an obstacle course.

Ovnis : tous les documents déclassifiés de la CIA sont là

But, by dint of perseverance, American citizens have forced the Department of Defense to make many files public, including photos and videos that deal with unidentified air phenomena and more commonly called UFOs.These are obviously not necessarily extraterrestrials in these documents in question.

Only a few days after the Pentagon declassified three videos from the U.S.Navy, cette dernière a rendu publics huit rapports de rencontre de ses pilotes avec des phénomènes aériens non identifiés en plein vol, sur la côte est des États-Unis.

One of the eight meeting reports, made public in May 2020, between a pilot of the U.S.Navy avec un phénomène aérien non identifié.© U.S.Navy

No extraterrestrial flying saucers

Seven of them involve Super Hornets F / A-18E / F and occurred at different times between 2013 and 2014 off the coast of Virginia and North Carolina.The eighth incident took place in 2019 and involved a Boeing EA-18g Growler flying flying plane off the coast of Maryland.

Unsurprisingly, none of its eight reports, available on many websites, highlights the existence of flying saucers or any extraterrestrial technology.That said, the still existence of unexplained air phenomena today is still a subject of concern within the American government and a much greater national security concern than it seems at first glance for theU.S.Air Force, in charge of air defense of the United States.

UFO: The Pentagon makes three videos of "unidentified air phenomena" public

Article by Rémy Decourt published on 04/30/2020

The Pentagon declared three videos from the U.S.Navy, déjà rendues publiques, montrant ce qui semble être des objets volants non identifiés.An initiative that does not correspond to any logic, except to remind everyone of the existence of always inexplicable air phenomena!

The Pentagon broadcast on April 27, three videos of the U.S.Navy qui avaient été rendues publiques en septembre 2019 par l'organisation TTSA (To The Stars Academy) de recherche sur les Ovni de Tom DeLonge, ancien chanteur de Blink-182.These videos, all acquired by pilots of the U.SNavy en vol, les montraient confrontés à des objets volants non identifiés, à plusieurs reprises, réalisant des manœuvres incompatibles avec les performances de tous les engins volants connus (accélérations, arrêts brutaux, virages instantanés).

At the time, the U.SNavy avait été contrainte par une loi américaine sur la liberté d'information de s'expliquer sur ces vidéos.On September 10, 2019, his spokesperson Joseph Gradisher admitted that the "phenomenon shown in these videos is not identified" and recognized that these are "unknown objects violating American airspace".But, rather than talking about unidentified flying objects (UFO), the American navy preferred to use the less controversial terms of "unidentified air phenomena".

The air phenomena observed in videos remain characterized as "unidentified".© U.S.Navy

Very real but inexplicable air phenomena

Today, the Pentagon justifies its initiative of "transparency" to cut short "all the false ideas circulating on UFOs" explains the spokesperson of the Pentagon Sue Gough.Like U U.SNavy, après enquête le Pentagone a reconnu que les phénomènes aériens vus sur ces images étaient classés comme non identifiés.One wonders how it would have been possible to explain them differently without admitting the existence of a technology superior to American military capacities!

"After a careful analysis, we estimated that the authorized sharing of these videos does not reveal any sensitive system or capacity and has no effect on possible investigations to come about incursions of unidentified air phenomena inmilitary airspace, ”concludes Sue Gough.

Voir aussiL'armée américaine dévoile un véhicule se déplaçant à plus de 10.000 km/h !

UFO: U U.S.Navy dévoile des vidéos de « phénomènes aériens non identifiés »

Article by Rémy Decourt published on 09/21/2019

While more than 2 million people want to force the entrance to zone 51 in the United States this weekend, the U.S.Navy a confirmé offi­ciel­le­ment le 10 septembre l'au­then­ti­cité de trois vidéos montrant des objets volants non iden­ti­fiés.These videos, acquired in flight by American pilots had been made public by the organization TTSA (To the Stars Academy) for the UFO of Tom Delonge, former singer of Blink-1822.

In November 2014 and January 2015, off the coasts of San Diego and Jacksonville, American navy pilots, on board fighter planes, were faced with unidentified flying objects carrying out incompatible maneuversWith the performance of all known flying vehicles (accelerations, brutal stops, instant turns).

The recordings made during these flights clearly show the presence of flying structures moving at very high speeds and we can hear the astonishment and surprise of the pilots in the face of these objects with inenvisable performance, and above all their inability to determine their origin.

These recordings had been made public two years later by TTSA (To the Stars Academy), the Tom Delonge UFO research organization, former singer of Blink-1822.They had also been the subject of media coverage in the United States. At the time, the U.S.Navy parlait de drones et de ballons (certainement une version plus moderne du ballon météo de Roswell !) pour expliquer leur présence.

READ.S.Navy se veut pragmatique et admet, enfin, l'évidence

But, forced by the American law on freedom of information, the U.S.Navy a dû apporter des explications plus convaincantes et sérieuses.On September 10, his spokesperson Joseph Gradisher admitted that the "phenomenon shown in these videos is not identified" and recognized that these are "unknown objects violating American airspace".But, rather than talking about unidentified flying objects (UFO), the American navy preferred to use the less controversial terms of "unidentified air phenomena".

This announcement pleasantly surprised the world Ufological Community, welcoming the UF declaration.S.Navy, rompant de fait avec la position officielle du gouvernement des États-Unis qui n'a jamais souhaité reconnaître de tels « phénomènes » en utilisant les termes aussi précis employés par l'U.S.Navy.

That said, if the authenticity of the images has been officially attested for the first time, they do not indicate an extraterrestrial origin.Indeed, these objects can also evoke very advanced military drones which a priori would not be American.

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