By akademiotoelektronik, 11/01/2023

Drone race: an algorithm manages to beat two pilots

Davy Mawete July 27, 2021 at 10:486 am © Uzh

Researchers from the University of Zurich have managed to develop an algorithm allowing an autonomous drone to beat two experienced pilots on an experimental circuit.

Another great progress in the field of artificial intelligence.

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More freedom for the autonomous drone, better results

We no longer stop the progress of artificial intelligence.This algorithm has been reflected in order to develop more effective solutions for civilian drones (rescue, parcel deliveries, etc..)).

Programming flight plans for drones is not a new thing, but researchers have often taken the problem backwards.So far, they have always programmed optimal trajectories without taking into account the limits of their devices.

Course de drones : un algorithme parvient à battre deux pilotes

The researchers therefore redesigned the method by turning the problem, according to Philipp Foehn, doctoral student and author: “The idea is that in place of attributing sections of the flight trajectory to specific crossing points,Our algorithm simply indicates to the drone to go through all the ways of passage, but not how or when to do it.»»

In practice, the researchers let the two human pilots train on the experimental circuit by equipping their respective drones with cameras used to send the positions in real time to the algorithm. Le drone, bien « nourri»» par l'IA, a pu ensuite aller se mesurer aux pilotes sur le même circuit.The result is final: the autonomous drone is always out of winner, and with more regular times.

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Encouraging for the future of autonomous drones

Cette expérience plus que concluante enthousiasme Davide Scaramuzza, chef du pôle « Robotique et perception»» de l'université de Zurich : « Cet algorithme peut avoir une énorme influence dans la livraison de colis par drones, l'inspection, le sauvetage, etc.»»

This research could indeed give faster and much more versatile drones than today for use in a real context that would combine complex environment and multiple points of passage.UZH researchers would already work on the next step: make the system less demanding in terms of calculations and allow the drone to operate with on -board cameras rather than external.

Source : Endgadget
